About HCMUD 4

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So far HCMUD 4 has created 13 blog entries.

Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services

The District requests Statements of Qualifications (“SOQs”) from firms desiring to provide engineering services for a wastewater permit renewal, along with general engineering services for the District. The permit renewal number is TCEQ Permit Number WQ0014309001. An application for renewal has been submitted and further amended and will likely require further amendment under the scope of this RFQ.

Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services2024-02-29T18:45:06-06:00

What can I do to prepare for a freeze?

Good Afternoon Neighbors! The Board of Directors for Municipal Utility District 4 wanted to make sure that everyone has a reliable resource of information for all homeowners and residents. Please disregard other posts you may see on social media, particularly regarding turning on your faucets for extended periods. Please refer to this post for information on how to prepare and monitor your home in the coming days of freezing temperatures. Last year our treatment system was overloaded by excessive flow during the winter storms and we had to bring out tanker trucks to prevent our plant from overflowing.

Inside the house

  • Pipe insulation will slow down the freezing process, so use it to wrap any exposed pipes indoors, especially in unheated or drafty areas. Start in your attic and then work your way down throughout the house.
  • Tightly close doors and windows to the outside.

Outside the house

  • Turn off outside faucets
  • Remove all connected hoses and insulate faucets a hose bib cover or even towels and duct tape.
  • Turn off and drain automatic sprinkler systems.

If you have an underground sprinkler system

  • Make sure the pipes coming up next to the house are insulated.
  • Turn the valve off and drain the pipes. You won’t be able to get all the water out, but removing 1/2 to 3/4 of the water gives it room to expand if it does freeze.

To turn off the whole house water supply

  • Make sure everyone in your residence knows where the homeowner’s water main shutoff valve is located and keep it clear of debris and obstacles at all times.
  • For most homes in our service area, the property owner’s shutoff valve is on your side of the water meter. It can usually be found in the ground about 12-18 in from the meter in your own smaller valve box. No special tool is needed to operate this valve. Turn the valve 90 degrees to shut it off.
  • If you are not sure if you have an inside shutoff valve, check the property inspection report from when you purchased your residence. For renters, please consult with your property manager.
  • After you have shut off the valve, drain the water out of the faucets, inside and outside.

During the freeze

  • If you have a fireplace, get a nice cozy fire going to warm up the house.
  • Instead of leaving water dripping all the time, open the faucets periodically to get some water circulating. Do both hot and cold water, in every room of the house, including faucets and commodes. Don’t drip outside pipes.
  • Outside doors keep the warm air in, so don’t go in and out of the doors a lot.

Emergency Supplies

  • Insulation – Use pipe insulation, or old towels and duct tape
  • Hose bib covers
  • Battery-powered radio and flashlight
  • Enough drinking water for 1 gallon per person per day for 7 days
What can I do to prepare for a freeze?2024-01-12T15:49:27-06:00

Wayfinder Breaks Ground on 241-Unit Dripping Springs Community

Scheduled to open in late 2024, Lookout will provide a more affordable alternative to single-family home ownership in Dripping Springs, where the population has more than doubled over the last decade and the median home price has soared to $905,000.

Lookout will offer one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments as well as townhomes to help meet the needs of young families as well as young professionals. Situated on a hilltop, the community will feature a rooftop terrace with panoramic views for miles.

Located directly across U.S. 290 from the mixed-use Belterra development, Lookout’s 7-acre site at 13059 Four Star Blvd. was formerly the home of the Trudy’s Four Star restaurant and is part of the Ledgestone master planned community.

About Wayfinder Real Estate

Wayfinder Real Estate is an Austin-based real estate development and investment company that focuses on developing and acquiring properties in high-employment and high-growth regions of Texas. Founded in 2019, the company specializes primarily in multifamily housing and mixed-use development – with acute emphases on value creation, principal protection, deal-by-deal optionality, and cycle awareness. Wayfinder’s principals have developed more than 12,500 apartment units valued at more than $2 billion and have acquired over $500 million worth of distressed real estate assets, corporate aircraft, and infrastructure projects over the course of their careers.


All 241 will be for rent and managed by onsite leasing. 231 of them will be 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartments. 10 of them will be 2 story townhome style units.
Two Bedroom 2 and 1 half bath
Dripping Springs has long been a more affordable alternative to Austin, particularly for young families seeking good schools. In the last few years, single-family home prices in the area have risen to the point that it’s no longer affordable for many families to buy a home. Dripping Springs has also added a lot of retailers and restaurants in recent years, which is great for the entire community. Those businesses need workers, and it makes it harder to find employees when they cannot afford to live in the same area.

Wayfinder Breaks Ground on 241-Unit Dripping Springs Community2023-02-23T11:58:20-06:00

Community Support in Reporting Damages

The MUD is asking for community support in reporting damages that you as homeowners have experienced in the two recent weather events. Separately, the MUD is tracking damages incurred to operations and reporting those as a political subdivision of the state. As the reported damages accumulate, thresholds are reached that make us eligible for federal funding. These can be significant amounts and extend well into the future to mitigate present and future damages. As one example associated with a recent event, the state had $550 million of federal money allocated that could be used to purchase equipment such as emergency generators at 90% federal, 10% local funding.

Texas Division of Emergency Management is gathering this damage data for the recent ice storm, and the previous freeze at Christmas. We would like to encourage you to report any damage separately for the two events, to include power outage and lost food. Of course, please report any physical damage to your car, house or trees.

The link to report your individual property damages is:


There is a brief video explaining how to complete the online survey and a link to the “Ice/winter storm” form, and you can also find a link to the Christmas freeze event.

Community Support in Reporting Damages2023-02-20T12:14:57-06:00

est Travis County Public Utility Agency: Boil Water Notice Lifted for (Most) PUA Customers

Boil Water Notice Lifted for (Most) PUA Customers

The Boil Water Notice has been cancelled for all customers in the PUA service area EXCEPT customers in

  • Belvedere
  • Rocky Creek
  • Deer Creek
  • Provence
  • Falconhead
  • Madrone Ranch
  • Sweetwater
  • Rough Hollow

These customers need to continue to boil water through Sunday, Feb. 5th. A notice will be posted when test results are received for this area.

Customer Guidance After a Boil Water Notice in Cancelled

Customers can flush household pipes, ice makers, water fountains, etc. prior to using for drinking or cooking. Flushing simply means letting the water run to ensure that there is fresh water flowing through your pipes.

Follow these guidelines for flushing:

  • Run all cold-water faucets in your home for one minute
  • To flush automatic ice makers, make three batches of ice and discard
  • Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle

PUA staff have flushed the main lines thoroughly. It is possible there could be air in your individual lines, if so please let your faucets run for one minute.

est Travis County Public Utility Agency: Boil Water Notice Lifted for (Most) PUA Customers2024-01-14T23:01:33-06:00

Boil Water Notice- 2/2/2023

Due to an extended duration of a power outage at the Uplads Water Treatment Plant on February 2, 2023, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required the West Travis County Public Utility Agency public water system (#2270235) to notify customers to boil their water prior to consumption (e.g., washing hands/face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc).

Boil Water Notice- 2/2/20232023-02-04T18:49:35-06:00

Hurricane Prepardness 2022

Be ready for hurricane season. Today you can determine your personal hurricane risk, find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone, and review/update insurance policies. You can also make a list of items to replenish hurricane emergency supplies and start thinking about how you will prepare your home for the coming hurricane season. If you live in hurricane-prone areas, you are encouraged to complete these simple preparations before hurricane season begins on June 1.

Find out today what types of wind and water hazards could happen where you live, and then start preparing how to handle them. Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. impacts from wind and water can be felt hundreds of miles inland, and significant impacts can occur regardless of the storm’s strength. Know if you live in an area prone to flooding and if you’re safe to remain in your home.

Find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone. You may also need to leave if you live in a flood prone area or in a mobile home outside a hurricane evacuation zone. Now is the time to begin planning where you would go and how you would get there.

You do not need to travel hundreds of miles. Your destination could be a friend or relative who lives in a well built home outside flood prone areas. Remember, your safest place may be to remain home. Be sure to account for your pets in your plan.

As hurricane season approaches, listen to local officials on questions related to how you may need to adjust any evacuation plans based on the latest health and safety guidelines from the CDC and your local officials.

Whether you’re evacuating or sheltering-in-place, you’re going to need supplies not just to get through the storm but for the potentially lengthy and unpleasant aftermath. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family a minimum of 3 days (store a longer than 3-day supply of water, if possible). Electricity and water could be out for at least that long. You’ll need extra cash, a battery-powered radio and flashlights. You may need a portable crank or solar-powered USB charger for your cell phones.

If you need to go to a public shelter, follow health guidelines from your local officials and the CDC.

Call your insurance company or agent and ask for an insurance check-up to make sure you have enough insurance to repair or even replace your home and/or belongings. Remember, home and renters insurance doesn’t cover flooding, so you’ll need a separate policy for it.

Flood insurance is available through your company, agent, or the National Flood Insurance Program at floodsmart.gov. Act now, as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period.

Whether you’re evacuating, or planning to ride out the storm in your home, make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane building code specifications to withstand wind impacts. Many retrofits are not as costly or time consuming as you may think.

Have the proper plywood, steel or aluminum panels to board up the windows and doors. Remember, the garage door is the most vulnerable part of the home, so it must be able to withstand the winds.

If you’re a renter, work with your landlord now to prepare your home for a storm.

Many people rely on their neighbors before and after a disaster, and there are many ways you can help them. Learn about all the different actions you and your neighbors can take to prepare and recover from the hazards associated with hurricanes.

Start the conversation now with these Neighbor Helping Neighbor strategies but remember you may need to adjust your preparedness plans based on the latest health and safety guidelines from the CDC and your local officials.

The time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season begins, when you have the time and are not under pressure. If you wait until a hurricane is on your doorstep, the odds are that you will be under duress and will make the wrong decisions.

Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know who issues evacuation orders for your area, determine locations on where you will ride out the storm, and start to get your supplies now. Being prepared before a hurricane threatens makes you resilient to the hurricane impacts of wind and water. It will mean the difference between being a hurricane victim or a hurricane survivor.

Hurricane Prepardness 20222024-01-14T23:01:53-06:00
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